Monday, August 17, 2015
Review of The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor
One of the best 'zombie' shows that have been on television, probably one of the better comics (but I don't like the black and white of it and the fact they don't star my favourite character from the TV show - Daryll), a video game I don't play myself but still like watching when my husband plays it and now it's also available in book form. One of my favourite pastimes.
Well, what can you tell of a story that has been rehashed in so many ways already.
This novel gives you the easiest way of delving into a specific characters background, in this instance, a character we hated from the very beginning when he terrorized Rick's group until it shattered.
Brian Blake, aka The Governor, has had a rough time before he turns into the ruler of Woodbury, maybe enough to explain the paranoia he suffers from and the reason he won't share.
His story made me cry once, a part of the book that many of you will wonder about if you've seen the television show and what Michonne ultimately puts an end to.
As for the story itself, not the content but the way it build towards an inescapable ending, it's much like what's shown on TV. I'm not sure it that was the intention, but it still feels like I've just watched an extralong episode of a show that has seen some shit.
It's packed with action and gruesome scenes, but emotionally it left a little bit wanting. You get the general emotions of the several characters, but they only scratch it on the surface. You've got your overly religious guy, the psychotic guy, the pleaser, the weakling and the child. They don't really avert the paths the writers have set them upon, but it seems like all the characters want to be a part of a group when it's clear that there is only one destructible force tearing them apart.
The story has them on the same course as Rick's group.
Finding a group where they feel safe and they can rest.
Losing that group.
Again finding something to be safe.
Again losing it, but this time with a vengeance.
And on and on.
This may seem as spoilers to you, but if you've seen some of The Walking Dead, you know that's not much I'm telling you, since the whole universe consists of walking, running, hiding and killing with a few lessons thrown in there to tie it all up.
This isn't criticism, because the way they've done it so far, is wonderful and creative.
I just expected more from this novel, a little more thought exploration instead of action scenes piled on top of each other.
Maybe the next glimpse into someone's background, Michonne for instance, or Daryll's?, will be better.
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