Sunday, July 26, 2020

Red Stars

I'm fascinated by literature surrounding the 2 World Wars and when I was browsing books in our local library for my daughter I stumbled upon this one.
The artwork (dutch version below) was very eye-catching and when I read the back I was sold.

It's not a book intended for my age, but for readers 12 years and older. But don't let that detail stop you. I took it home and enjoyed it just the same.

The story revolves around a twin brother and sister, Nadja & Viktor. They live in Leningrad. It's 1941 and Hitler has just broken the Non-Agression Pact with Russia.
They are both put on the 'children's' trains to be safely transported deeply withing Mother Russia, because Leningrad is dangerously close to the border.
Viktor makes it about 1500 km further on, but Nadja (being on a different train due to a little detail) is stranded close to Leningrad.
When Viktor hears that her train is bombed by the Germans, he sets of on a dangerous path to search for his sister.

Meanwhile Nadja has an adventure of her own, which will turn the tide for those stuck inside the walls of Leningrad, during the terrible siege of Hitler's army.

The story is suitable for 12y and up. I had hoped my daughter would be able to read it and its content might be alright, the book does contain a more difficult prose that she (8y) wouldn't understand just yet.
The language aside, this novel breathes optimism in every syllable and I enjoyed reading it.

Leningrad during the siege.

Fort Oresjek

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