Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Girl in the Glass

Finally able to sneak in a little me-time since the birth of my beautiful son. He's wonderful, but he's very needy of attention and most of the time he cries when I leave him alone longer than 10 minutes.
But he's sleeping now..

The Girl in the Glass.. not sure what to think of it. I stumbled upon this not too long a story, because I've got so many e-books that I've taken to choosing one randomly.
It's set during the 1930's when America was going through the first Wall Street crash and depression and Prohibition was in full process.
We're following a sliver of the life of a small group of con-men, who try to earn a nickel from the rich imposing as clairvoyants. While doing so, they get tangled into a mystery where a vanished girl turns up dead and drained of blood.
The search for the killer takes them onto a path in the very dark bowels of white America, which has tentacles that reach over the Atlantic. The need for superiority taking monstrous proportions.

I enjoyed the story, but the narrator didn't spark anything more. It read like I was watching it enfold behind a think pane of glass, there wasn't any emotional connection.

Check out these other reviews!!!