Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Strange LIbrary

This was interesting... 

and very short!! 

Yes you are!

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the short story about a boy who is trapped in a library, with a sheep boy and an old man wanting to eat his brain.
The point of view that librarians eat brains filled with knowledge as a payment for providing all those books to everyone, is pretty good (and I wonder what Stephen King would've done with this kind of idea!)

Murakami has spun this into a fairy tale with a seemingly happy ending, but it felt in fact to be an allegory for trying to cope with the loss of a parent. His worrying about his mother, combined with his polite nature, make me believe that the protagonist is a very lonely boy terrified of losing the only person he feels he has left on this world, while the girl tries to tell him that there will be more friendship and even love is he just opens his heart. Even through a small crack someone will be able to slip through.

In my opinion this story deals with loneliness, and Murakami delivered it perfectly.

Check out these other reviews!!!